Most Common Remote Team Management Mistakes to Avoid

Remote team management

It’s no secret that managing a remote team can be difficult. There are many things to keep in mind when you’re not working with your employees face-to-face. From onboarding new employees to keeping everyone on track, there are a lot of potential mistakes that can be made. This blog post will discuss the most common remote team management mistakes and how to avoid them!

Let’s take a look at these mistakes.

  • Treating Coworkers From the Same Office Better

It’s easy to do when you’re managing a remote team, and you see your coworkers every day. You might not even realize you’re doing it. But favoritism creates an us-versus-them dynamic that can tear apart a remote team. If you want your remote team to work well together, treat everyone the same – whether they work in the same office as you or not.

  • Failing to Onboard new Team Members Properly

Many companies make the mistake of assuming someone is remote; they don’t need to be onboarded properly. Nothing could be further from the truth. Onboarding is even more important part of remote team management because employees can’t just pop into your office and ask questions when they need clarification. Make sure you take the time to onboard new team members properly, so they know what’s expected of them and how they can succeed in their role.

  • Not Providing Adequate Training

Another common mistake is not providing adequate training to new remote employees. Onboarding remote employees can be tricky enough, but when you’re managing a remote team, it’s crucial to ensure everyone is on the same page from the very beginning. Make sure to give your new hires all the information and resources they need to succeed in their role, even if they’re not physically present in the office.

  • Micromanaging

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when managing a remote team is micromanaging. This will only lead to your employees feeling disempowered and unproductive. Instead, focus on managing the tasks and goals, not the individual employees.

  • Not Using Technology to Support Remote Workers

One of the most common remote team management mistakes is not using technology to support remote workers. A variety of tools available can help managers stay connected with their team members and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Not taking advantage of these tools can lead to communication breakdowns and, ultimately, a less productive team. 

Make sure you are using all of the tools at your disposal to support communication and collaboration within your team. This includes video conferencing, project management software, chat platforms, and more.

  • Not Providing Clear Expectations or Guidelines

Another common mistake when managing a remote team is not providing clear expectations or guidelines. Without these things in place, it can be difficult for employees to know what is expected of them and how they should work. This can lead to confusion and frustration on both sides. What you can do: Be clear about your expectations from the start. 

Let your team know what you expect from them regarding work hours, deadlines, communication, etc. You should also put together a set of guidelines that everyone can reference when needed.

  • Not Checking in Regularly

Another mistake managers make is not regularly checking in with their remote employee engagement. This can be a problem because it can make employees feel like they are not valued or appreciated. You can check in with your team regularly, even just for a quick chat. This will show them that you care about their work and are interested in what they are doing.

  • Scheduling Meetings at Inappropriate Time

One of the most common mistakes managers make while managing a remote team is scheduling meetings at inappropriate times. This usually happens when the manager and the team are in different time zones. While it might be convenient for the manager, it can disrupt the team. To avoid this mistake, always check the time zones of your team members before scheduling a meeting. If possible, try to schedule meetings during hours convenient for everyone on the team.

  • Failing to Follow up on Career Talks and Feedback

It’s not uncommon for managing partners to have initial conversations about an employee’s career growth and development and then never follow up on those talks. If you’re managing a remote team, it’s important to ensure that you’re following up on these types of conversations, as it can be easy for employees to feel like their development is being neglected. 

Feedback is also crucial for remote teams, as it can be difficult to gauge how well someone performs without in-person interactions. Make sure to schedule regular check-ins with your team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that feedback is properly communicated.

  • Not Promoting Team Members

Promotion and recognition are essential in any work environment, but they can be even more critical for remote employees. When team members feel stuck in a job with no chance for advancement, it can lead to low morale and high turnover. Ensure you’re regularly promoting your top performers and giving them new challenges to keep them engaged. Moreover, give your team members honest feedback, so they know where they stand and what they need to work on.

  • Using Outdated Conference Room Technology

If you manage a remote team, chances are you’re responsible for managing conference calls and video conferences. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is using outdated conference room technology. Not only will this make it difficult for your team to communicate effectively, but it will also reflect poorly on your company.

The Bottom Line

Building and managing a remote team isn’t easy. To be successful, you need to avoid making common mistakes. From not onboarding properly to micromanaging your team, there are several things you should steer clear of if you want your remote team to be productive and happy. By being aware of these potential pitfalls, you can set your team up for success from the very beginning.

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