An Angular developer is a software engineer who specializes in the development of web applications using the Angular framework. Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is used for building single-page applications (SPAs). It is designed to make it easy to build fast, scalable, and maintainable applications. Angular developers are in high demand and are often asked to answer a variety of Angular JS interview questions during the hiring process.An Angular developer is responsible for designing and implementing the front end of web applications using Angular. This involves a range of skills, including building user interfaces using templates and components, implementing business logic using services and controllers, setting up routing to allow users to navigate between different parts of the application, consuming APIs to retrieve and manipulate data, and other Angular developer skills.
In addition to building the front-end of web applications, the Angular developer might also be responsible for implementing security measures to protect against common web vulnerabilities, testing and debugging the application to ensure that it is functioning properly, and writing documentation and technical guides for other developers.
Overall, the role of an Angular developer is to design and build high-quality, scalable web applications using the Angular framework. Angular developers who are able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge through strong answers to Angular Js interview questions are likely to be in high demand in the job market.
An Angular developer is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Building user interfaces using templates and components
  • Implementing business logic using services and controllers
  • Setting up routing to allow users to navigate between different parts of the application
  • Consuming APIs to retrieve and manipulate data
  • Implementing security measures to protect against common web vulnerabilities
  • Testing and debugging the application to ensure that it is functioning properly
  • Writing documentation and technical guides for other developers

Here are the top 10 Angular js interview questions and answers for 2023:

1. What is Angular and how does it differ from AngularJS?

Angular is a front-end JavaScript framework that was developed and maintained by Google. It is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, which was the first version of Angular released in 2010. Angular is a more modern framework that uses a component-based architecture, TypeScript, and a declarative approach to building web applications. AngularJS, on the other hand, is based on an older MVC architecture and uses JavaScript to build web applications.

2. What are the key features of Angular?

Some of the key features of Angular include:

  • Angular uses a component-based architecture, which allows developers to build reusable UI elements that can be easily shared across the application.
  • TypeScript: Angular is written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript that adds features like type-checking and object-oriented programming to the language.
  • Dependency injection: Angular uses a dependency injection system, which allows developers to easily inject dependencies into components, making them easier to test and maintain.
  • Reactive programming: Angular uses reactive programming principles, which allow developers to build asynchronous, responsive applications that can handle real-time data.

3. What are the benefits of using Angular?

  • There are several benefits to using Angular, including:
  • Improved performance: Angular uses a virtual DOM, which helps to improve the performance of applications by only updating the parts of the DOM that have changed.
  • Better code organization: Angular’s component-based architecture promotes better code organization and separation of concerns, making it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications.
  • Improved testing: Angular’s dependency injection system and use of reactive programming make it easier to write unit tests and end-to-end tests for applications.
  • Strong community support: Angular has a strong community of developers who contribute to the framework, which means there is a wealth of resources and support available for developers.

4. What is a component in Angular?

A component in Angular is a piece of UI that is reusable throughout the application. Components are made up of a template, which defines the HTML, and a class, which defines the behavior. Components can also have inputs and outputs, which allow them to communicate with other components in the application.

5. What is a directive in Angular?

A directive in Angular is a class with a @Directive decorator that adds behavior to an element in the DOM. Directives can be used to add or modify the DOM, or to bind behavior to the element. There are three types of directives in Angular: structural, attribute, and component directives. Structural directives modify the structure of the DOM, attribute directives modify the appearance or behavior of an element, and component directives are used to define custom components.

6. What is a service in Angular?

A service in Angular is a class that contains business logic or utility functions that can be shared across the application. Services are typically used to encapsulate common functionality that needs to be used in multiple places, such as making HTTP requests or accessing data from a database. Services can be injected into components using Angular’s dependency injection system. This is frequently asked in angular js interview questions.

7. What is a pipe in Angular?

A pipe in Angular is a class with a @Pipe decorator that transforms data in the template. Pipes can be used to format data, perform calculations, or filter arrays. Angular comes with a number
of built-in pipes, such as the date pipe and the currency pipe, and developers can also create their own custom pipes.

8. What is a route in Angular?

A route in Angular is a configuration object that defines a path and a component to display when the path is matched. Routes are used to navigate between different views in an Angular application. Developers can use the router module to define routes and the router outlet directive to display the components for each route.

9. What is an RxJS observable in Angular?

An RxJS observable in Angular is a data stream that can be observed and subscribed to by components in the application. Observables are used to handle asynchronous data, such as HTTP responses, and can be created using the RxJS library. Observables are a core part of Angular’s reactive programming model.

10. What is the Angular CLI and what is it used for?

The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool that is used to create, build, and test Angular applications. It can be used to generate new components, services, and modules, as well as to serve and deploy the application. The Angular CLI makes it easier to develop Angular applications by providing a set of command-line tools that automate common tasks.
By preparing for these common AngularJs interview questions, you will be well-equipped to showcase your knowledge and angular developer skills in an interview. With a strong understanding of the framework and its key concepts, you will be able to confidently demonstrate your ability to build high-quality Angular applications.
To truly understand a candidate’s thought process and potential value to your company, it’s important to ask thoughtful and unique angular interview questions. These AngularJs interview questions can provide valuable insight. However, it’s also important to mix in questions at different difficulty levels to avoid monotony and keep the interview interesting. If you find it difficult to hire and manage developers, consider using to streamline the process.