In today’s digital era, web and mobile application development are thriving like never before, making the demand for skilled remote developers skyrocket.
The allure of remote work has surged even further in the wake of the pandemic. As companies embrace this flexible work arrangement, the need to adapt management styles and workflows to integrate remote developers into teams effectively has become paramount. While it may present initial challenges, conquering this transition unlocks the door to becoming a true 21st-century entrepreneur.
But what about the costs? That’s where our journey begins. The average cost of hiring remote developers ranges between $10,000 and $150,000, per developer. Hourly rates span from $5 to $95. These meticulously calculated figures shed light on the financial aspects of building your dream team.
Join us as we explore the factors influencing these costs, debunk misconceptions, and uncover strategies to optimize your hiring process. 

Remote Work Reduces Real Estate and Operational Expenses

Real estate, utilities, and cleaning services are significant areas where companies can achieve substantial cost savings by transitioning to a remote-first approach. By eliminating the need for physical office spaces, companies can drastically reduce expenses associated with real estate, utility bills, and office furniture.
The average cost of office space per employee is estimated to be around $18,000 per year. When you consider the scale of large companies like Google or Apple, with numerous employees, the potential cost savings become evident. Remote work opens up opportunities to redirect these funds towards other strategic initiatives or increase profitability.
Moreover, remote work eliminates the need for office cleaning services. Not having employees working from company offices, businesses can eliminate the expenses associated with professional cleaning and maintenance. This further reduces the cost of hiring remote developers.

Remote Work eliminates travel/commute expenses

When it comes to business operations, travel, and commute expenses can quickly add up, impacting the company’s bottom line. However, with the shift towards remote work, organizations have the opportunity to achieve significant cost savings in this area.
By embracing remote work, companies can eliminate the need for expensive business trips. According to Runzheimer, the average cost of a business trip in 2019 was $1,293. By transitioning to a fully remote organization, businesses can substantially reduce travel expenses. Regardless of whether they frequently send employees on business trips or not.
It is worth noting that, in the post-pandemic era, remote employees are benefiting from an average daily time savings of 40 minutes, previously spent on commuting.
Furthermore, remote work eliminates the need for daily commuting, saving both employees and the company from incurring travel allowances and related costs. Employees working from the comfort of their own homes no longer have to bear the financial burden of commuting, and companies can allocate those funds to other strategic initiatives.

Remote Work Saves Costs on Food, Equipment, & Taxes

In a survey, 23% expressed willingness to accept a permanent 10% reduction in pay in exchange for the opportunity to work from home. A significant majority of employees, 77%, believe that remote work will contribute to reducing their company’s operating costs. This directly shows how companies can save significant cost of hiring remote developers. 
Companies often invest in water delivery, cafeteria services, or refreshments for employees and meetings. By embracing remote work, these expenses can be eliminated, resulting in significant savings. Additionally, remote work reduces the need for paper goods associated with in-office refreshments.
With fewer employees working from a physical office, there is a decreased demand for office furniture, computer equipment, and supplies. By transitioning to remote work, businesses can minimize these costs, optimizing their budget allocation.
A company’s tax burden is influenced by factors such as payroll, sales, and property. Accommodating remote workers can potentially lower the tax burden as the business structure adjusts. By leveraging remote work, businesses may discover opportunities to optimize tax expenses, contributing to overall financial savings.
Remote developers cost comparison

The Size of Your Application

The size of your application plays a crucial role in determining the cost of hiring remote developers. There are three categories based on application size: Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Apps. 
The small apps are simple applications with limited functionality and basic user interfaces, such as calendar or clock apps. Developing such apps typically requires a single developer, resulting in lower hiring costs.
Medium-Sized applications are more complex, often featuring customized user interfaces and payment functionalities. Examples include wearable or IoT-based apps. Hiring developers for medium-sized apps will involve higher costs due to the increased complexity.
Enterprise-level applications with extensive features and functionalities fall under the large apps category. They require a team of skilled developers to handle complex backend development and large databases. As a result, hiring costs for large apps tend to be the highest.

The complexity of the features in your mobile application can impact the cost of hiring remote developers. Less experienced developers can handle basic features at a lower cost. More complex features may require mid-level or senior developers with specific expertise.
For instance, developing a simple application with no APIs, complex backend, or intricate user interfaces can be accomplished by less experienced developers at a minimal cost. On the other hand, developing database/API-based applications with customized UI, payment integration, and robust backend servers will demand mid-level developers with relevant experience, leading to slightly higher costs.
E-commerce applications, with their highly complex features and extensive customization, often necessitate senior-level developers and small teams, further increasing the cost of hiring.

Skills Your Project Demands

The skill set and experience level of developers are crucial factors in determining the cost of hiring for app development projects. Developers may have varying levels of industry experience or a diverse project portfolio.
Junior-level engineers with proficiency in high-level language libraries can be suitable for projects requiring core knowledge and offer a lower hourly rate. Conversely, senior-level full-stack developers with deep technical knowledge and experience in native applications and workflow automation services will command higher rates due to their expertise.
The cost to hire a developer will vary based on the specific skill requirements and experience level needed for your project. Assessing these factors will help you make informed decisions about hiring the right developers for your application development needs.
Cost saving when hiring remotely

Set a Budget

Companies choose to outsource software development for cost-related reasons. When embarking on the search for a software development company, it is crucial to consider your budget. However, it is equally important to prioritize the quality of work. 
Balancing cost and quality is key. Assess your budget realistically and ensure that you find a software development company that fits within your financial parameters while delivering high-quality results. 
Remember, it’s essential to find a balance between your budget and the level of work you expect. By keeping both factors in mind, you can make a successful choice when outsourcing software development.

In conclusion, the landscape of work is evolving, and remote work is becoming a highly valued employee benefit. With a growing number of individuals recognizing the advantages of working remotely and the positive environmental impact it brings, the trend of returning to traditional office setups seems unlikely.
Considering this paradigm shift, it is essential for business owners to contemplate embracing remote work arrangements. Either for all or at least a portion of their workforce. By doing so, companies can unlock various benefits. Including cost savings, enhanced productivity, reduced turnover and absenteeism, and increased job satisfaction among employees.
Embracing remote work to hire remote software developers not only aligns with the changing expectations of potential employees but also offers a strategic advantage to businesses in the modern era.