Foodpanda is a food delivery platform app that reaches the customer in a minimal amount. It is a food app that operates in 40 countries and 500 cities with 3500+ employees and 3800+ partners. 

Characteristics of the Food App- Foodpanda

Here are some of the characteristic of the Foodpanda food app:

  1. Since the day the app has been launched, the gross profit has been an extraordinary figure of $440M with a rapid rise in the market, and many investors moved forward to invest in shares.
  2. Its tech-stacks include HTML5, CSS, TypeScript, JQuery, NodeJS, SQL involving the integration of front-end and back-end applications and then bundling and building the entire application on various platforms.
  3. This app is robust, user-friendly, and accessible to all kinds of users.
  4. This app delivers the following benefits for users:
    1. Minimize time spent: Waiting time is minimal since the user is not visiting the restaurant and deciding the food items.
    2. Better market reach: To reach the maximum public and provide greater benefits.
    3. Sales and profit increase: As and when the customers increase, profit margin increases, which is the main motto of building an app.
    4. Enhanced efficiency: The users will also be able to use the app and utilize its benefits.

Foodpanda App Designing

App designing involves the following procedure:

1. Research

  • Deep level research for scrutinizing/collecting the raw information.
  • Filter the raw data out of the whole chunk of data.

2. Design

  • The basic design/logo is finalized and drafted here.
  • The size, along with the other styling related pointers (color, shape, height, width) are also finalized.
  • The animation is also upheld incase if required to view (optional).
  • This animation is supported in angular version 7 & above.

3. Quality Assurance

  • A dry run of the app is made to ensure the app’s quality and find any initial glitch.
  • If found, the methods to remove those are identified & rectified (if possible); otherwise, notice is sent to the concerned authority.

4. Implement

  • The entire app development, deployment is done to ensure that everything is in a smooth flow.
  • The enhancement features are also added here, which is a part of further implementation.

FoodPanda App Procedure for Building the Application From Scratch

  1. Rough designing of UI screens included Login, Order Page, Add to Cart, Cart, Payment, Checkout, Order Success, Track Order.
  2. When the above screens for FoodPanda App were finalized, a detailed wireframe was designed to visualize the overall UI screen design and the flow of the app from Login to Logout.
  3. The enhancement part was also added in the documentation, which is to be implemented after the app’s release in the market. 
  4. Feature finalization is done, and user stories are formulated in JIRA.
  5. After the flow, finalization features for the app were listed, which is as follows:
    1. Login Page (authorization & authentication).
    2. User Page (list of all restaurants available, adding to cart options).
    3. Cart List Page (to display all items added to cart).
    4. Order History and Order Details (list of all items ordered).
    5. Payment Page (modes of payment— selection for users to opt for respective payment options).
    6. Profile Page (Options— My Profile, Edit Contact Number, Change Password, Partner with Moki, Call customer support, About & Legal, Logout)
  6. The overall architecture and software for the above app involves
    1. Angular 7 (Front-End)
    2. Node JS (Back-End) + Rest API
    3. GIT (for source code management to deploy code in repositories)
    4. Visual Studio (Codebase)
    5. MongoDB (Back-End)
    6. WorkBench (To extract data with respect to database related queries)
    7. Slack (Communication between people)
    8. Postman (Request-Response Check)
    9. Swagger (List all the required API’s-GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE)
    10. JIRA (Ticket Raising Tool-Drafting and formulating various user stories)
  7. Different types of users were categorized, and respective features would be visible to them, which are as follows-
    1. Admin- Owner of the application with all the permissions/privileges.
    2. End-Users
  8. Working involves
    1. For the first time, the user should “Create New Account”, redirecting to the “Create Account” page by adding routes.
    2. Once the user enters all the required details, the OTP authentication is done, and once verified, the account is successfully created by hitting the “Create Account” button.
    3. On logging in, the user can enter their profile with various options available. 
    4. Based on the current location, the nearest food restaurants available will be listed with the card view.
  9. With respect to the above features, user stories were drafted for each type of user with features pertaining to that user.
  10. Each user story was drafted with respect to various screens as well.
  11. These user stories were finalized with the business analyst and detailed API documentation along with the architecture finalization.
  12. The user stories with respect to various user types were developed using Angular 7 (Front-End) and NodeJS (Back-End).
  13. Some of the features implemented in this app are Drag & Drop, Bundle Budget, Animations, Angular Elements for different components, Authorized Guard usage for validating the user.
  14. Customer support/feedback plays a vital role to capture feedback (if any) and refining the application/any other problems.
  15. The customer feedback hits the back-end database, and the feedback is stored for further actions too. 
  16. This app is deployed on various other platforms that are responsive, user-friendly, user-efficient and reliable.
  17. Keeping the above features and achieving higher margin profit, this app was developed.
  18. The design of the food app is as follows:
    1. The logo for the app on various platforms was sketched and designed using photoshop, and that logo was embedded for the food app (Android platform).
    2. The design, which was finalized and approved, was put into implementation.
    3. Login:
      1. The user can login via Google, Facebook, User Name-Password.
      2. In case the user is new to the application, he/she should click on the “Or Create New Account” hyperlink option available on the same page
      3. On clicking the above option, control is redirected to the “Create New Account” page, which has Full Name, Contact Number, Email, Password fields where all the fields except email are mandatory and then click on the “Create Account” button.
      4. Authentication is handled by sending OTP to the respective mobile number on entering the OTP, and once the entered OTP is verified, the user account is created successfully. 
      5. The user will be able to login with their respective username and password.
    4. FoodPanda 
      1. The actual app page is visible in this part.
      2. The current user location is displayed on top which is editable along with notification and restaurants list in the header section.
      3. The card view of various food items is displayed in the next section and the option “Add to Cart” in the Sponsored section.
      4. The next card view displays the restaurants present within the radius based on the current location, and this is changeable based on the location that is considered.
      5. Whenever the user selects the required restaurants, it is redirected to the respective restaurant information.
      6. This page includes the logo, name, price, description of the selected restaurant, booking options (today, tomorrow), timings available, quantity options.
      7. Once the user chooses the required items, he/she hits the button “Go to Food Basket”.
      8. On clicking the above button, the control is redirected to the “Food Basket” page, which has the list of all items selected by the user and also the address of the destination (which is changeable).
      9. The “Proceed to Pay” option is made available once the user is ready to make payments to all selected items added into the cart.
      10. Order History allows the user to visualize the items ordered by them after successfully placing the order.
      11. The final toast message is displayed after successfully placing the food order, and a confirmation message is also sent to the registered mobile number along with OrderID.
      12. The status of the order is also tracked along with the options “View Details” and “Call Customer Support”.
      13. Once the required items are delivered, options of “View Details” and “Reorder” are available.
    5. My Profile
      1. This page has the options My Profile, Edit Contact Number, Change Password, Partner with Moki, Call Customer Support, About & Legal, Logout.
      2. The provision for changing contact number (OTP authentication) and change of password is the enhancement feature. 
    6. The footer section has 4 different tab links: Home, Search, Clock, My Profile 
      1. Home: The actual application landing page with all the restaurants in card view.
      2. Search: Enables user/customer to search respective restaurants in the text field (based on the names, location).
      3. Clock: It displays all the orders/remainders based on the day and date.
      4. My Profile: It consists of options— My Profile, Edit Contact Number, Change Password, Partner with Moki, Call Customer Support, About & Legal, Logout.


To build food apps like these, some of the pointers to be considered are:

  • The UI needs to be user-friendly and robust.
  • Navigation to various workflows with respect to that app should be handy.
  • The generic component needs to be constructed to increase the modularity and efficiency of the codebase.
  • Instant push notification part to be focused so that users can be able to quickly get the required information.
  • Ratings & Reviews to improve the quality and any other related queries to deliver a better product.

To build your Foodpanda app you need a reliable development agency and with Supersourcing you can get a number of such options. For that, you just need to share your business idea here and in no time you will start getting to check expert agencies in that specific domain. Then based on your timeline and budget, you can select the most appropriate agency for your app development.