With the rise of digital reliance, we see many new sites and mobile applications out in the market each day. However, do you know, prior to delivering it on a public stage, a ton of testing processes are performed over an application to check if it will work or not? In the testing stage, an analyzer tests each part of the advanced item to discover any inadequacies. The testing can be performed manually or automatically. So, in this post we are going to discuss in detail about the pros and cons of Manual Software Testing.

The reason for the testing is to amend bugs in the product improvement stage. Automated testing is gradually and continuously procuring distinction, however manual testing has been here and assuming a basic part in the QA. Dive further to know whether the manual programming testing is as yet a suitable decision or not! 

What is Manual Testing and their types? 

Manual Testing, as the name recommends, is the way toward testing software’s for bugs or errors with or without assistance from instruments. It is done to discover the bugs under programming advancement. Manual testing is an old style technique to discover bugs in programming items. Let’s learn about the type of testing that can be performed manually on a software before and after its release in the market.

Types of Manual Software Testing :

  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Why Manual Testing? 

With the changing patterns in the product business, more programming experts lean toward automated testing. However there are as yet numerous reasons that legitimize the requirement for manual software testing. 


Pros of Manual  Software Testing 

1. Human Brain for Human Requirements 

Human intelligence is indispensable, and no automated testing will replace it so early. People are adequately skilled to make a legitimate testing configuration, anticipate defects, and execute the plan to get the predicted outcome. It is further impractical to test the client experience and UI/UX through automated testing. A natural eye can spot relevant, visual, ease of use, and visual bugs, which automation script probably won’t be sufficiently skilled to bring out into notice.

2. Automated Tests Contain Errors 

Despite all the advantages offered by the automated test, the chances of some fundamental blunders are still there. The limit of the automated testing is that it just tests for what it is designed for to test. Without human obstruction, the chances of potential issues remaining untouched get high, which is called blunder or oversight. Under such conditions, manual testing assumes a crucial part where even composed or non-composed contents get tested.

3. Variation in Manual Testing 

Under ordinary conditions, automated testing won’t go astray from the defined track, or tested script. However, in manual testing, irrespective of the characterized scripts, human test case results fluctuate due to human impulses. This human propensity in some cases assists with finding bugs that were already unconsidered. 

4. Negative Testing Perspectives 

Manual testing is an ideal decision for negative testing. It is a type of testing where software testing is done for unforeseen information and conditions. The motivation behind negative testing is to prevent software from crashing on account of negative or wrong input and to improve the overall software. In the negative test approach, manual software testing is the most ideal decision, as human analyzers can consider wrong inputs and unforeseen conditions to check the overall worth of software.

5. Accessibility Testing 

Sometimes, accessing a website becomes complicated for users in a standard manner or on different gadgets due to several reasons. Accessibility testing is something that can be faultless on human mediates. However, Accessibility testing assists with improving availability and will support numerous site users. Human touch is the most ideal route for accessibility testing. 

6. Not All Domains Prefer Automation 

Banking, Financial services, and Insurance (BFSI) are a few ventures that are the greatest consumer or user of IT services. Banking applications manage exceptionally secret monetary information. Thus, it becomes important to pick manual software testing to run as expected and with no mistakes. It becomes difficult to cover the following thing in financial application with the automation testing: 

  • The functionality of the application
  • Data Integrity;
  • Banking workflows and requirements;
  • Security perspective; 
  • Concurrency. 

Cons of Manual Software Testing

1. More Time and Resources 

Manual software testing require additional time and assets, considering all things, it is carried out by people. Making every single imaginable case and afterward executing them requires additional time and exertion.

2. Less Accuracy 

People do manual testing, which prompts more chances of mistakes and this results in less accuracy. Testers may commit errors, particularly in huge software, as opportunities to exclude a few errors get higher. 

3. GUI Objects Size Difference 

Another con of manual software testing is that for people, it is hard to track down the size difference and color combination of GUI objects. 

4. Regression Tests

We people easily get bored of with tedious tasks. In the regression tests in which tests are done more than once to check if the previously developed and tested software is still acting in the manner it ought to after a change. Repeated tests on similar subjects or the same component may leave testers angry, and chances to miss the bugs get higher.

How to Perform Manual Software Testing?

Let’s understand the steps involved in Manual Software Testing in detail.

Stage 1: First, accumulate the requirements using the Requirement Analysis Step. Assemble and comprehend the necessities. We know what type of behavior to expect and what we need to test, and when we say we find the defects. 

Stage 2: Secondly, when we comprehend the necessities, identify and draft the test cases that will cover all the requirements contained in the project documentation. Also, the test cases assist with following a grouping to test usefulness and different test situations to such an extent that we cover the whole application and check anticipated outcomes. 

Stage 3: After preparing the use cases, the tester will review the test cases with the team leader and with the client, if required. By examining the test cases, we will discover glitches, if any, and correct them before executing the test cases. 

Stage 4: Execute the test cases individually, after preparing the test cases, and setting the test environment. Each test case will have one of the following states: 

  • Failed: If the result or process is not as expected.
  • Passed: If the situation during the test works similar to the expectation. 
  • Skipped: If the test case can’t be completed. Possibly it could be due to some restrictions or unexpected conditions. 

Stage 5: As the test case executes, need to report the identified bugs and deformities to the concerned developer and present a bug report. 

Stage 6: Finally, prepare a point by point detailed test report that will include description of deformities or bugs we discovered. Such as number of rerun cases, number of failed test cases, and number of skipped test cases. When we fix the bugs and correct the issues, then, execute the test case that couldn’t verify the fixed bugs. 


Today testing is a fundamental part of software development, each product that has been constructed needs to go through a rigorous testing process. Based on the size of the type of software, you can pick automated or manual software testing. Therefore, we mentioned details about manual testing and other details regarding that.

Manual Testing is a rigorous process to achieve perfection and requires an expert team of testers or experienced agencies to perform it. So, to hire the expert team of QA & Testers you are in the right place. Check out the list of expert agencies and go with the suitable one for you based on your requirements and budget.